Ah, it's another Monday morning, another day of rain falling in the valley. My sweats are on, the coffee is hot . . . and I'm sitting in my new little home with my new little life. :) We have officially moved in with the boy!
Going back and forth between two homes, moving things slowly, decorating the new digs, and running my business has me feeling a bit unsettled and keeps my to-do list nice and long, but the happiness is invaluable. Most days I begin with a good snuggle and some good laughter with Joe, and then I remember I get to sit here with him until I fall asleep at night, usually on his shoulder, after making a wonderful dinner and sharing some good wine, and the thought fills me with so much happiness and contentment. It feels perfect. The girls have adjusted amazingly well, and even saying "adjusted" seems like the wrong word, because they didn't even seem to blink.
I'm off to check things off my list, and will be back with a photo-filled post, and lots more to come! I have become so busy that it was easy to put blogging aside, but I need to keep at the front of my mind that blogging started and created this wonderful business, and is a huge part of it's success, and for the business and myself, it needs to be as much of a priority as editing.
Lots of love!