Joe and I are in Maui for the week for the 2011 Island Eyes conference that his alma mater puts on every year . . . I insisted he needed to get his continuing education credits in a place where I could simultaneously be laying out in the sun sipping cocktails. So here we are! And it is beautiful. I had to take the morning off from the sun today because I was in full sun yesterday for almost 7 hours and need to give my skin a little break because there are certain places you could fry an egg on my body right now . . . so I thought I'd share a few facts about our travel experience so far. :)
1. This is the first vacation Joe has taken in ten years, and our first vacation together. Awwww, aren't we sweet?!
2. We had a two-hour layover in San Francisco and Joe had to scope out every. single. restaurant. before deciding on the one we were going to settle in for lunch and a beer.
3. We both make fun of the same items in the Sky Mall magazine.
4. This place is crazy insane expensive, but worth every penny . . . . we would like to thank the fine folks at Visa, and we promise we will pay it off as soon as we can!
5. I think the Sheraton Maui holds a world record in Most Expensive Breakfast Buffet. It's $26 per person, and Joe and I normally don't even eat breakfast. We smartened up last night and got some oatmeal, cereal bars and almonds at Safeway that we happily munched on this morning on our balcony.
6. There is a Coach store and a Louis Vuitton store right down the beach that we visited last night. I will not go back there, I will not!
7. I am having an amazing time . . . missing the shorties very much, but we promised them a trip to the Oregon coast this summer so they were happy to kiss us goodbye and spend the week with Angela.
I am taking lots and lots of photos and having fun processing them! I promise to post lots more this week, and still have lots of other good blog posts in the works. I am enjoying these next few months before the craziness begins again and hope to get back into my good blogging habits between now and then. :)
I don't know how to say "goodbye" in Hawaiian, so bye! ;)
Goodbye in "Hawaiin" is the same as hello! ALOHA!!!