I'm sure I've said this a thousand times before on this blog, but when I show up at a wedding, I truly have no idea what to expect . . . especially when I have never met the couple! Danny and Tedi were so fabulous - their families and friends were wonderful, so friendly and enjoyable, and beautifully emotional at all the right times. Oh, and have I mentioned how amazing the light was?!
Some prettiness before the ceremony begins . . . the wedding was held at the Meadowlark Country Club in Great Falls:

I saw the boys first . . . they were quite handsome and animated, which always sets the mood for a fabulous evening!

And I'm pretty sure Tedi's just about the cutest thing in the world - and she's about to become a dentist! Sorry, boys! She's taken!

It is not very often I get this view during the ceremony, but there were enough things to keep me moving like a ninja that I was able to photograph the wedding backlit for much of the ceremony . . . ahh!


Danny and Tedi, thank you for a beautiful evening! Click here to view more photos in a slideshow!
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