Monday, March 18, 2013
no baby . . . yet!
Waiting for a baby is a funny thing . . . for myself, I feel wonderful up until 37 weeks, and then boom! I feel like if the baby isn’t here by 37 weeks, 1 day, I’m late. I get so anxious, excited, nervous and a bit impatient. I know, people who know me would be so surprised. ;) This time, I am better because life is so full. 7 and 5 year old daughters, a wonderful husband who I love to spend time with, an amazing network of friends to entertain, a beautiful home to keep in working order, a business to run, and my husband’s business to collaborate on, are all keeping my days very, very busy. There have been days I’ve even wished to not go into labor because it just didn’t fit in with my other plans. But it’s funny how the timing of things seems to work out exactly as it should. This past week, the little ones were on spring break, and since they are too young to complain about not being able to go somewhere warm or to the beach, they happily enjoyed their time at home, sleeping in, staying up late, and enjoying some one-on-one with me before they meet their little brother. We had a day of lunch, nails and shopping, an afternoon bowling the 6-lane bowling alley in Ennis with one of their favorite shorties, two birthday parties to enjoy, they spent an afternoon at Norris Hot Springs, and the weather cooperated enough that they hula-hooped to their hearts’ content, along with bike rides and trampoline jumps. It was an important week for me to spend loving, patient time with them, and they happily ventured off to school this morning knowing Grayson’s arrival is imminent, and feeling happy and excited to meet him. As for myself, my toes are polished, my bag is packed, and I may squeeze in one more prenatal massage if I can this week. I am going to enjoy each day and not rush this little guy’s arrival, not because I absolutely cannot wait to meet him, but because I want him to come when nature calls, not Pitocin. And I am so grateful for this space to share everything with you . . . thank you for your emails, texts, and support as always!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
favorite finds
Every wedding season, I typically shoot anywhere between 15 and 20 weddings . . . and I always fall in love with ideas, creations and tiny little details that my couples are incorporating into their big day. Now because of the wonderful world of Pinterest, we have an even broader place to seek out for inspiration. I'm a sucker for bringing in some unique little touches that separate your wedding out from others, whether it's in a fashion statement or reception detail. Here are a few from recent weddings that jump out at me for your inspirational pleasure!
1. The Blusher Veil. I know I've oohed and ahhed over Kate's blusher veil a hundred times on this blog, but here it is again for emphasis on just how darling it was. It was so fun to play around with during portraits! I adore a beautiful fashion veil or headpiece when the wedding is celebrated outside of a church . . .

2. Succulents Bouquets. Angela of Fresh Designs created these stunning bouquets, and adorned a couple dozen reception tables with different succulent arrangements for a fresh, delightful spin on traditional wedding flowers. Although many couples are stepping outside the box and allowing their floral designers to use their creativity, these were such a refreshing spin on a bridal bouquet.

3. To Go Boxes. I'll admit, up until this past summer, you'd really never find me indulging in wedding cake or dessert. I didn't have much of a sweet tooth, and it was a plate of calories I was happy to pass up. Not so much anymore, my friends. This baby has instilled in me a sweet tooth like no other, and I was more than delighted when Rachel and Paul included this adorable message on their dessert table for those who wanted or needed to leave after the cake was cut. You can bet your you-know-what I made my way home with one filled a bit too full. ;)

4. The Hell With It! A Change of Plans. Nisha and Matt had originally planned their wedding in our hometown in Plattsburgh, NY, on a date that I'd already be in town to shoot another wedding, so it worked out perfectly for me to be a part of this beautiful couple's big day. A few months later, I got an email from Nisha that enough was enough - wedding plans were too much, it was too stressful, and they were heading to Charleston, South Carolina in April with their nearest and dearest for an intimate wedding in one of their favorite places. I happily packed my bags and hit the road, and had one of my most memorable weekends ever in such a beautiful place!

5. Hydrangeas. I know these may not be that magical to you, but I am in love with hydrangeas. I grew up in a teeny, tiny house in a crappy part of town, but smack dab alongside our driveway was a ginormous, beautiful hydrangea bush that made it feel quaint and lovely. I don't see them as often as I thought I would in wedding flowers, but with all of the other amazing details Mikey and Heath incorporated into their August wedding, it was natural to see something so breathtaking to me included in her bouquet.

There are so many more lovely things to share with you, and I promise to do so while I'm spending the next few weeks in my archives, updating websites, working on marketing materials, and waiting for the little man's arrival. Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Monday, March 4, 2013
rachel and paul: married!

Friday, March 1, 2013
welcome to march!
I know we have a long ways to go until spring is officially here, but I wanted to welcome everyone to the wonderful month of March . . . the gateway to spring, the month we get teased the most with warmer days, sunshine on your face, and can kick the kids outside to enjoy the fresh air a bit more. It is also baby month for me! My due date is March 31st, and next week I begin my weekly checkups to see what kind of progress little G is making in there. I am excited, anxious, nervous, and sometimes feeling a bit impatient, but I remind myself that when I'm barely able to focus on the hook of my nursing bra at 3:00 in the morning due to exhaustion, I will recall these days that I can sleep in with fondness. ;) And of course, within hours of meeting him, we will never understand how there was a time we were as happy without having him here. I still have lots and lots of shoots to share with you, among other things, and am excited to lay it all out this weekend for a fun few weeks of blogging before I pop. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love, attention, excitement and warmth you all give to me, my family and my business. I wouldn't be as happy without you all in my world!

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