Tuesday, September 14, 2010

how do I love flare? let me count the ways.

It's true, and you know it. Learning how to use the evening sun wide open and behind my subjects was a work in major progress, but incorporating this element into my shoots has helped me evolve my style of photography. Flare tugs on my heart strings just a little bit :)

Danielle and Dane were married on June 24, 2010, and we ran around the property out at the Gallatin River Lodge for their engagement session . . .


Lindsey and Drew were married on June 25, 2010, and we hiked through a foot or two of snow on a ranch in Helena for their shoot . . .


Emily and Tyler were just married on September 5th and their shoot was at the ol' reliable photo shoot location of Bozeman, the Storymill District . . .


Holly and Jeremy are getting married on September 24th. We were on a property south of Bozeman where Holly keeps her horses and the light was magical. I put them on top of a hill for this photo and squatted down even lower to put them at the bottom of the image.


And Nicole and Alex will wed the very next day on September 25th!


Happy Hump Day everyone! I'm off to Ennis for a floral design class with the most fabulous Leslie Lukas. Designing flower arrangements, sipping wine with seven other ladies, and photographing it all is sounding dreamy to me, and I get to end the evening with homemade calzones and Joe! Life is good :)

1 comment:

  1. the floral design class was a blast wasn't it!? i know i had fun. and it was great to meet you and your adorable girlies!!

    and like you, i absolute LOVE flare. i would marry it if i wasn't already married.

    it's getting so bad that i almost hate to take pictures any time of day that i can't capture the flare. i'll just wait and bide my time. so i can get the look i want.

    the other day i did a horsey photo shoot. i told the gal that i could shoot anywhere in the arena and she said, "even into the sun!?" oh the horror right!? but she trusted me and man oh man we got some awesome into the sun pictures.

    so fun. and beautiful.
